
CIS Hardening Helper Series by Mondoo - Part 1

In the pursuit of hardening various Linux systems to comply with the Center for Internet Security (CIS) Benchmarks, system administrators frequently encounter two common issues. The CIS Benchmarks are standards for securely configuring a system, and they're widely adopted as best practices for hardening systems against cyber threats.

Permanently disabling interdependent services and service dependencies

Many CIS Benchmarks control checks if a specific service is ‘disabled’ and/or ‘not running’. One key example is the control ‘Ensure CUPS is not enabled’ from the ‘CIS Debian Linux 10 Benchmark’.

Following the remediation procedure you may attempt to disable the service using the following command:

  systemctl --now disable cups.service

This command should instantly stop the cups service, and also prevent it from restarting at boot-time. However, cups is a downstream dependency of the service cups-browsed, which is not disabled. Consequently, cups can restart after a reboot. To find such dependencies you can use the following command:

systemctl --reverse list-dependencies cups.service

To ensure that disabled services don’t restart unexpectedly, you can mask a service in addition to disabling it, using the following command:

 systemctl mask cups.service

Masking a service renders it invisible to other services, effectively solving the issue.

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Why you should use apt purge instead of apt remove

Almost all CIS Benchmarks require the removal of one software package or another. For Debian based distributions, the APT package manager is used, and in older CIS Benchmarks (Debian 8/9, Ubuntu 14.04, or the CIS Distribution Independent Linux Benchmark) the remediation procedure suggests removing a package using the following command:

apt remove <package>


apt-get remove <package>

However, newer CIS benchmarks have replaced apt-get remove with apt purge.

apt purge <package>

A common misconception is that apt-get remove deletes all potentially harmful files while only preserving the configuration of the software package for potential future use. Sometimes not the binary files themselves contain vulnerabilities, but also the additional files installed with the software package. For example, the NTP Vulnerability CVE-2016-0727, is a vulnerability in the cronjob accompanying the package. APT software packages allow the package maintainer to specify what files are to delete or to keep in case the package is removed by apt remove. Hence, the only way to be sure that all vulnerable pieces of an APT software package have been deleted from a system, is by using the apt purge command.

If you remove a package using apt remove, it will still show as installed in cnspec queries:

cnspec screenshot

This is because under the hood, cnspec will check the packages state in /var/lib/dpkg/status or /var/lib/dpkg/status.d.

1. Let’s use   cnspec  to check if the package   prelink  is installed on our Ubuntu 22.04 test system, using   cnspec shell local --sudo.

cnspec>  package("prelink").installed == false[failed] package.installed == false  expected: == false  actual:   true

2. Now we remove the package using apt remove


vagrant@vagrant:~$ sudo apt remove prelink

3. Doing the same query as above to check the installation status reveals, it’s still considered installed:

cnspec> package("prelink").installed == false
[failed] package.installed == false  
expected: == false  
actual:   true

The package state in /var/lib/dpkg/status is as follows:

Package: prelinkStatus: deinstall ok config-filesPriority: optional

4. Now we use   apt purge  to remove the   prelink  package completely:

vagrant@vagrant:~$ sudo apt purge prelink

Now the package prelink has been removed from /var/lib/dpkg/status.

5. The cnspec query below confirms the successful deinstallation:

cnspec> package("prelink").installed == false
[ok] value: false

In conclusion, always use apt purge to remove packages to ensure proper hardening of your Debian-based systems.

Manuel Weber

Manuel, Security Engineer at Mondoo is enthusiastic about finding ways to make computer systems more secure. Before joining Mondoo he worked as a pentester, checking a wide range of computer systems (Web Applications, Mobile Apps, ICS, and others) for security vulnerabilities and misconfigurations. In his free time Manuel lifts heavy things, takes multi-day hikes, and enjoys cooking.

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